
It’s been a while since I have made progress on the “Sandra Bogerd” project. Music continues in some form all the time, along with creative projects, but has mostly been in the form of choral composition or semichorus performance since the aborted SAS trio project.

But the past two weeks things have got going again via video creation. First up was a LOLcat Christmas video that started out as an excuse to put up the recording of the trio from my Missa Lolcat composition, performed in 2018 by ROCS. It then evolved to something else, as I realised the performance didn’t quite match the mood of the LOLcat story I was creating, so I recorded a canon version of the “mou mou” section of Missa LOLcat’s Agnus Dei for the first part of the video, and generated a sinsy-rendered version of an accompanying “mew” phrase of the Credo solo to provide contrast for the Happymass “storee”.

Then, feeling a bit more video-fluent, and while reflecting about my cousin Bea, who died in June, but had helped me film some footage for my Tiger song, I tackled the “I am the Tiger” music video project. I’m reasonably pleased with the results, though I wish the tiger footage was a bit better quality.

I am the Tiger is my most popular song, based on downloads and streams. I’m pleased to have finally produced a video for it. I hope you enjoy it.

Missa Lolcat premiere done and dusted

Last night was the premiere of my new choral work Missa Lolcat, which was featured in the RMIT Occasional Choral Society concert Internet Through the Ages. An attendee (DG) had the following to say about the mass in his concert review:

Of the pieces, the tour de force was Sandra Uitdenbogerd’s Missa Lolcat. Instead of Kyrie eleison we got Ceiling Cat Can Haz Mercy. If you are doing a parody mass, you really need to ensure that each section is instantly recognizable. This was achieved effortlessly as I counted through Kyrie, Gloria, Credo, Sanctus and Agnus Dei. A splendid achievement!

My Laudate v3 was also featured, and had this response:

The Rick-Roll Laudate was awesome. There are, as with the Missa Lolcat, three distinct aspects to parody. Anyone _could_ have thought of the idea of a Rawnando-style Laudate/Never Gonna Give You Up mashup. Except that no-one did until now. But you still need the compositional technique to make it work properly, and the performance finish to make the jest perfect.

As promised, I am making the sheet music for part of Missa Lolcat freely available for download. People are free to perform these movements, but I would appreciate knowing the date, location and performers for any performances, for my composition CV (and where applicable for APRA performance royalties, small as they are).


Mission Accomplished: Missa Lolcat is done!

For the past few months my main project has been writing Missa Lolcat for my choir, ROCS. I’ve now completed as much as I would like to do for it for its debut performance at the start of June. It is a 15.5 minute a cappella choral work consisting of 9 movements, that sets a lolcat version of a typical choral mass. The Credo is largely the same as the lolcat bible Nicene Creed, with some edits and omissions. The rest of the text is original but attempts to follow the guidelines of the Lolcat Bible project.

Thanks to Din for his help.

Parts of the work will be made freely available after its premiere. Stay tuned!
