Language and comic book stuff is moving

Language and comic book stuff is moving

To make my blogs more focussed I’ve created a separate one for my language learning comic.  The Sandra Bogerd one will be largely restricted to my music projects.  It’s a bit of a blurred line though, as my comic book project involves writing and recording songs as well as creating the comic book.  The main reason for the division is so I don’t clutter up this blog with quantitative linguistics and the like.

A New Beginning

Not actually a New Year’s Resolution, but with the determination that comes with a new year, I’ve decided to try to post to my blog on a regular basis.  I still need to sort out my on-line plan, but one thing I learnt first-hand last year was that putting things off until they’re perfect often means that you are too late – sometimes with sad consequences.

It’s late in Melbourne, but at least I’ve made a start.